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Suresh Gopi

Date of Birth : 1964
Address : Sasthamangalam
City : Thiruvananthapuram
State : Kerala
Pin : 695010
Phone : 0471 2723868

Suresh Gopi is an acclaimed actor in Malayalam cinema, who is famous for his roles in police dramas. His first appearance on silver screen was as a child artist in Odayil Ninnu (1965), In 1997 National Award was shared by Suresh Gopi and Balachandran. Suresh Gopi turned 45 on June 25th. Having acted in 80 odd films. Suresh made his rounds of production offices and came up with only yes boss type of roles, the notable of them being Rajavinte Maghan. He graduated to doing villain roles and then his first break was in Thalasthanam directed by Shaji Kailas and written by Renji Panicker. Next were Comissioner and Ekalavyan after which he was known as the `roaring lion of Kerala'. Powerful dialogues and good action scenes with a big physique Suresh filled the void left behind by Late Jayan. Apart from action roles he has done serious movies too and even got the state and national award for best acting for the film Kaliyattom.

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